What's New in version 1.50
- New 64-bit Windows version.
- New fast & super-fast compression modes in ATI_Compressor plugin.
- Online version checking for the most recent Compressonator version.
- Help file documentation.
What's New in Version 1.41
- Maintenance release.
- Fixes to Microsoft D3D10 BCn compression.
What's New in Version 1.40
- New D3D10Compressor plugin for compression to D3D10 BC1-BC5 compressed texture formats.
- Support for the D3D10 texture formats.
- Improved compatibility with plugins build with old versions of Plugin SDK.
- Added command line options for setting MinMipSize & MaxMipLevels.
- Various bug fixes.
Important Notes
A tool for compressing textures and creating mip-map levels.
The results of compression can be visualized by comparing the original and the compressed textures.
Textures (and directories containing textures) can be explicitly compared to other textures or directories.
Also, you can batch compress any number of textures.
There are several types of compression available: DirectX
and Grayscale texture compression in addition to palletized texture
The options for these methods can be set from dialogs.
When comparing textures, the intensity of difference can be increased by as much as 3200%.